5 Surprising Causes of Memory Loss. A brain abscess is regarded as a medical emergency. Vascular dementia. 1-Handed Shotgun, 40 damage per shot. It causes an enlarged spleen, movement problems and severe brain damage. It is caused by a range of different diseases of the blood supply to the brain. Marijuana makes certain brain receptors overreact, since its main chemical, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), looks like other chemicals that help normal brain function. Brain tumor. Madness Debuff - Occurs if you have 50 madness or more, lasts 60s, and causes other debuffs to occur. These findings were not given the publicity they deserved. The causes of this cerebral disease may be either physical or moral. There is no treatment for Gaucher disease type 2. Encephalitis is inflammation of the brain tissue. The state Health Department issued a … There's been a great deal of research into how psychosis affects the brain and how changes in the brain can trigger symptoms of psychosis. Environmental causes are causes … Vascular dementia has a wider and more variable range of symptoms than the other types of dementia. Dopamine. Swelling caused by the abscess can disrupt the blood and oxygen supply to the brain. Smithsonian.com reports another chilling tale: During the Crusades, Christian soldiers who captured Ma’arra, a Syrian city, ate local Muslims.The first-hand accounts of the 1098 cannibalism differ on whether it was a fear tactic or an act of hunger. There's also a risk of the abscess bursting (rupturing). Causes of depression. In some cases, bacterial infections can also cause encephalitis. If you have difficulty remembering things, your mind may make the leap to Alzheimer’s disease – but that’s not the only cause of memory loss. Brain tumor According to www.webmd.com , a brain tumor can cause different types of hallucinations. There is a lot of argument over whether depression is caused by biological, cognitive, or sociocultural factors: Biological explanations of depression focus on changes in brain chemicals (neurotransmitters). The brains of individuals with schizophrenia also have less gray matter, which plays an important role in information processing, memory, and evaluating rewards and consequences. Gaucher disease type 3: Worldwide, Gaucher disease type 3 is the most common form, but it’s rare in the United States. This release of serotonin causes the brain to relax and makes it most able to find answers and develop solutions. As the tumor grows, it creates pressure on and changes the function of surrounding brain tissue, which causes signs and symptoms such as headaches, nausea and balance problems. A brain tumor can form in the brain cells (as shown), or it can begin elsewhere and spread to the brain. 11 Some of these brain changes occur during fetal development, childhood development, the onset of schizophrenia, and relapse into active psychosis. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, 1 of many chemicals the brain uses to transmit information from 1 brain cell to another. The causes of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) are faulty upbringing, genetic tendency, and different brain structure. It’s not only so called anti-depressents which cause brain damage and mental stultification. A person will usually need tests in the hospital to diagnose a brain bleed. Like it or not, emotions share some very real chemicals in the brain links with your nervous, endocrine, immune and digestive systems. Traumatic brain injury, too, can be a cause of mental illness. It appears that inflammation and the complicated collection of immune system chemical messengers called cytokines play an important role in brain function and may cause … So, if schizophrenia is not caused by a disease of the brain, then the obvious question that arises is, “Well, then what does cause it?” This is an extremely important yet somewhat complex question, which I address in great detail in my book, Rethinking Madness , and which I will try to capture in a nutshell (or perhaps several nutshells) in future blog postings within this series. Most causes of brain fever are viral, but they can also be bacterial or fungal as well. This connection is one of the main causes of forgetfulness and short-term memory loss from marijuana. Faced with extremes of parental reaction – too much or too little control, lack of empathy, and overvaluation – children may turn pathologically narcissistic and insensitive to others. The brain. Mental disorder, any illness with significant psychological or behavioral manifestations that is associated with either a painful or distressing symptom or an impairment in one or more important areas of functioning. Brain chemistry. Babies with this condition pass away within two to three years. Cinemassacre's Monster Madness - 2007 The Brain 3-27 was released on: USA: 27 October 2009. When a bipolar patient's mood improves, his brain activity shifts, too: activity dies down in the lower part of a brain region called the frontal lobe, and flares up in a higher part of that lobe. Clear causes and risk factors, such as a head injury, or previous stroke, can also help diagnose a brain bleed. Environment, Lifestyle. Brain Extractor—requires 80 Madness, 1 Carbon Plate, 1 Lunari Crystal, and 6 Copper Bars.