The scene where he is hysterically crying while his mother attempts to breastfeed him may indicate that Bayar does not have a strong emotional connection with his caregivers due to a lack of time spent bonding. Both Khazan and Kazdin attempt to tap into the emotions of existing parents, or parents-to-be, by giving scenarios and examples of child behavior and personal experiences. As such, he cannot offer her his undivided attention and she plays by herself in the room. Previous research has shown that the use of accents in children’s animated films teaches them how to discriminate (Lippi-Green 1997). Lastly, Ponijao smashing the stone into a powder is an example of a tertiary circular reaction as it involves reaching a particular goal (ie. The scene where Ponijao’s mother wipes Ponijao’s poop off her leg with an old corn cob as well as the scene where Ponijao crawls around on the ground and puts rocks or dirt in her mouth contrast with the scene where Hattie’s father meticulously cleans her clothes with a lint roller. You can use them to display text, links, images, HTML, or a combination of these. “Babies” – Documentary Reflection October 17, 2019 Sabirah Shuaybi The film ​ Babies ​ is a 2010 french documentary by Thomas Balmes that follows four babies from different parts of the world as they grow and develop during the first stage of their life. And the best way to build trust is to be open and honest at all times and means to make safer, smarter, choices. The way for your teen to earn more privacy and freedom is by building trust. Capturing the intimate portrait of each family at such a delicate time in their life was a major feat for. that they experience in the first year of their lives. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. During the end of her infancy, it can be observed that Ponijao (as well as Hattie and Mari) have an easier time learning to walk and master their balance when compared to Bayar. However, they may actually have some similarities eve if we can’t see it when we first glance at it. Edit them in the Widget section of the. The routine meets their needs in a predictable and safe environment. 2614 Words11 Pages. 707 Words 3 Pages. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Social interactions with caregivers and family members is another critical factor in shaping child development. However, due to the busy work life, the quality of these social interactions with Mari are often diminished. Mari’s mother seems to be quite social as she has friends/family over frequently and throws a birthday party for Mari. Western society has created an ethnocentric approach to the development and socialization of infants in various cultures. The movie Babies shows the lives of four different babies living in different cultures and country, Mari from Osaka, Japan, Hattie from San Francisco, California, Bayar from Bayanchandmachi, Mongolia and Ponijao from Opuwo, Namibia.The movie has no narration but we can see that the movie is showing the development of each baby in the place and environment that they are living. “B abies” is an accomplished documentary that focuses on exactly what the title suggests: babies. 130096 Samantha Pedersen SOC 150 Babies movie reflection 3/5/2016 Reflection: Babies There were four babies in the movie that we watched; that come from four total different worlds. the developmental history of these four babies is made even more remarkable when noting Show Babies video, 1 hr and 15 mins. Bayar shows fine motor development when he unrolls the tissue from the toilet paper roll (and then proceeds to eat it). During this film, it can be observed how the varying degrees and qualities of social interaction with the babies may affect their ability to play with others, emotionally self-regulate and develop language. The film also eloquently follows the progression of the motor skills leading up to the acquisition of these more coordinated, fine motor skills. (Available for streaming on Netflix) After watching the film “Babies” by Thomas Balmer, I feel as though I have been given a greater insight into the differences in child rearing practices cross culturally. The film showcases the physical, cognitive, social and emotional development of these four babies during the infancy and early toddlerhood period. Like their hippie and creationist colleagues, these new homeschoolers decry the morality of public education, which they see as steeped in sexism, racism, classism heterosexism, and elitism. Plot Summary | Add Synopsis. Amy Chua introduced the concept of “Tiger mom” in her book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother (Chua, 2011). It is, however, surprising how most foreign-accented characters are portrayed. Mari's in Tokyo. Some months later, Mari repeatedly throws CDs on the ground and enjoys the interesting sound effects they make as the hit the floor. You watch them as they are birthed, to milestones, to their first birthdays. Her apparent frustration with her inability to accomplish this task may provide a window into her social and emotional developmental level at this point. Without pretension or dialogue 'Babies' documents the first year of life of four babies in four different cultures - Mongolia, Japan, Namibia and California. ( Log Out /  T a baby feel safe and develop confidence when they have good and stable routines. Later on, Bayar displays some aggression towards the goats by hitting them and pulling their fur roughly as well as towards another little girl by pulling/pushing her until she begins to cry. They prefer a type of homeschooling called “unschooling,” in which parents act not only as teachers, but guide their children toward their own explorations. The documentary follows four babies and their families from when they are first born as they grow up and are able to walk. Depending on class length and time constraints, the video may be broken up into sections for viewing. In conclusion, the film Babies provides an extraordinary and frankly, adorable insight Babies, also known as Baby(ies) and Bébé(s), is a 2010 French documentary film by Thomas Balmès that follows four newborns through their first year after birth. Over the next six decades, he worked as a filmmaker, writer, teacher, and activist, always exploring ways to expand the progressive po-tential of documentary and engage new audiences. 4. This movie takes you along a journey of four different babies from four very different parts of the world from San Francisco, Tokyo, Namibia, and Mongolia. Some years ago, I saw the documentary movie “Babies” (Bebes), released in 2010 by French director and producer Thomas Balmes. However, for the most part, Ponijao was able to move her arms and legs freely as an infant. Reflection Of The Movie Babies. Even the parents take a backseat as the primary focus remains on how these four brand-new children journey through their first year of … The varying levels of cleanliness ordained by the parents of the babies can also be seen with Bayar who rarely wears diapers when he learns to crawl and often roams around freely in the grass and mud and amongst the livestock. The childcare practices, which vary significantly for the four babies, can serve as a valuable insight into the nuances of their individual development. Bayar struggled a bit more than the others in maintaining his balance. The film follows Ponijao, a little girl from Namibia, Bayar, a little boy from Mongolia, Mari, a girl from Tokyo, and Hattie, a girl from San Francisco. The one big similarity in. The film ​Babies​ is a 2010 french documentary by Thomas Balmes that follows four babies from different parts of the world as they grow and develop during the first stage of their life. Khazan dives deep into one side of the psychology of children and the effects that discipline may have on children. For instance, Hattie shows fine motor control when she peels a banana that she is eating. One entertaining scene that showcases how the temperment of a baby can affect their attitude towards their physical environment is one in which Mari is playing with her stacking rings and attempts to fit the ring onto the stick which she fails to do the second time around. Babies is a portrait of the first year in the lives of four babies, who live in Mongolia, Namibia, Japan, and the U.S. (San Francisco). About the Film | Babies Movie Synopsis | Focus Features. Now the feminist becomes a stay-at-home mother, who needs financial support, usually from the father. During the movie, I was fascinated by how I did not think of the interactions a baby has at first year of life could shape people behavior possibly throughout their life. While each babies’ development is different, they have one thing in common, they nurtured by those around them. ( Log Out /  The movie Babies is a documentary that follows four newborns from different regions of the world. So is privacy, a privilege to be earned. Mari also demonstrates this when successfully pasting a small sticker onto her paper. On the other hand, Ponijao and Bayar primarily interacted with their natural environment such as rocks, sticks, livestock and other basic objects in nature. Chronicling the day-to-day lives of four babies in four far-flung locations around the world -- Mongolia, Namibia, Japan, and California -- the … Create a free website or blog at These techniques become a norm in American Culture. As their psychological needs are not met, children start to have a low self-esteem and low. Mari engages in a lot of group activities whether is it mother and baby yoga sessions or walks outside with other mothers and their babies. While these differences illustrate the impact of childcare practices on the rate of development, the similarities in the babies overall development regardless of what techniques were used to raise them is prominent a theme that persists throughout the film. There was no narration, which allowed the focus of the movie to be on the babies and their interactions with their surrounding. al., 2000). Permissive parenting has a tendency to lead their children toward lower academic performance. Powered by JustWatch "Babies” is the perfect film for anyone who has never had the opportunity to interact with humans at an early age. Many studies have been conducted to determine which type of parenting is the best for their children best academic success, extracurricular activities performance, and social interaction among themselves and with adults. Many children’s animated films are set in mystical kingdoms or foreign places. At one point, Bayar’s brother whacks him repeatedly with a cloth that causes him to cry. Additionally, American society often creates specific techniques for the development of one’s child. Reflection Of The Movie Babies. “All My Babies” propelled Stoney’s career towards social documentary projects within different institu-tional contexts. ( Log Out /  This causes her to get considerably upset and throw a full-fledged tantrum. An award-winning filmmaker documents the birth and first year of life of four babies across the world. Judgment today has arguably become an overly abused power. We watch Ponijao grow up in Namibia, Bayar grow up in Mongolia, Hattie grow up in San Francisco, and Mari grow up in Tokyo. This can be observed in the scene where the Mari’s father is trying to work at home on his computer and simultaneously babysit Mari. Summary In the film Babies there are four babies from four different cultural backgrounds, languages and socioeconomic statuses. While you might assume that the differences in the first experiences of each young human will be what's striking, it's actually the similarities that are so engaging, and in the end, life-affirming. Directed by award-winning filmmaker Thomas Balm`es, from an original idea by producer Alain Chabat, Babies simultaneously follows four babies around the world - from birth to first steps. Documentarian Thomas Balmès fans out to the grasslands of Namibia, the plains of Mongolia, the high rises of Tokyo and the busy streets of San Francisco in a study of culture, societal structure, geography and tradition, along with parental love and the impact all these elements have on … Olga Khazan, author of No Spanking, No Time Out, No Problem, writes about her interview with child Psychologist, Alan Kazdin. Babies Documentary Analysis 1261 Words | 6 Pages. Baryarjargal lives in Mongolia . Hattie is in San Francisco. (Good popcorn movie, no?) But a few days later, while Mikko was in school, we went all-out extravagant and saw a second movie in a theater: Babies. Documentaries about birth and babies. Furthermore, the differences in the temperaments of the babies seem quite independent of the quality of their material environment. This style of parenting is believed to directly contribute to low cognitive and emotional empathy development (Aunola et. Permissive parenting that lack control and discipline over their children are negatively related with the academic achievement by the permissive parents (Dornbusch, Fraleigh, Lerderman, Ritter, & Robert , 1987). In 2010, Focus Features took audiences on an incredible journey with the release of the documentary Babies by Thomas Balmès. The physical environments each baby interacts with and is exposed to during the first year of life is another source of variation – one that is closely tied to the culture and region in which the baby is raised. A documentary on the latest research on the origins of the microbiome; how microscopic events during childbirth have lifelong consequences for the health of our children. Baby mama is a romantic comedy film released in 2008. This demonstrates the power of universal development despite substantial variations in child-rearing techniques. 3. Chaput says his inspiration to share babies’ resilience and growth was a “dream of a movie theater audience that would applaud because a baby would stand on their own two feet. There is no narration, subtitles, or product placements. Hattie, on the other hand, arrives in a state-of-the-art birthing center surrounded by medical equipment and technicians. The documentary Babies by Thomas Balmès is a film that takes place in four very different locations around the world. The implications that it has had on people, especially with parents has now led to parents beginning to question what makes a good parent and keeps them from goes against societal norms. She described the hyper-parenting style she used with her daughters, analyzing it and comparing it to the Western parenting styles. As different as each culture is I was able to see that each baby hit milestones within a few months of each other. With greasy popcorn, and hand holding. Babies Reflection In class we watched a movie called babies and we saw the different styles of parenting from four different cultures, country, and nationality, we where given multiple questions in relation to this movie. Ponijao is also has frequent social interactions with her mother, sibling as well as other members of the community. It indicates that materialistic elements present in a babies environment that they interact with may not play a critical role in shaping or changing the babies’ temperament (which could be genetically determined but it is hard to make the nature vs. nurture distinction). After birth, Bayar was kept tightly swaddled in a cloth blanket for the majority of the time. Permissive parents take orders and instructions from their children, are passive, endow children with power (Gonzalez-Mena 1993; Garbarino and Abramowitz 1992), have low expectations, use minimal discipline, and do not feel responsible for how their children turn out. It cuts between the four babies over the course of that year, showing different activities, like feeding, play, bathing, interactions with animals, and learning to walk. The development of this type of personality may be influenced in part by the type of social interactions he has engaged in or the lack thereof. The documentary opens showing how Ponijao comes into the world in a modest hut after her mother rubs some red pigment all over her pregnancy-swollen belly. Abstract Toys like Mr. - Mr. s, the hide and seek, are also useful as they learn your child to get used to the idea that what is left does not mean they disappeared forever. When BABIES director Thomas Balmès was asked to describe the methodology behind capturing four babies from birth through their first year, he said, “I’m really trying to do documentaries where the viewer is observing an idea that he had himself and to understand something out of that.” You may never have had one, held one or baby-sat one, yet remained curious about the infants you see in a park, on the beach, or in baby carriers at the mall. Nevertheless, as they reach the end of their infancy period, all the babies, show a progression of language development from cooing and babbling in the beginning to the intentionally formation of sounds and words, a powerful portrayal of the universality of child development (experience-expectant development). In “Radical “Unschooling” Moms are Changing the stay-at Home Landscape” Schenwar writes about homeschooling. into the development of the babies Bayar, Mari, Hattie and Ponijao, all of who, are uniquely And that’s only to get to the starting line. Subscribe to Naked Science -“My chances are 50-50. Menu. She would achieve this by holding Ponijao in a specific position with legs pressed to the stomach to encourage bowel movement. Bayar pulling the tissue away from the roll is a coordination of secondary reactions as it is a “stringing together of a series of actions to achieve a desired effect” (Patterson, 2009, p. 172). The way a child is raised can bring up ethical questions. Winner of Grand Prix Award at 2014 Life Sciences Film Festival. the movie. Balmès’s documentary, Babies, attempts to provide a glimpse into the first year of life in four children throughout the world. … I felt we could show the commonalities as well as the differences among these babies.” ‘Babies’ is a documentary film which chronicles the first year of life of four babies spanning the globe. Her father takes her to the park and to earth/yoga baby sessions (which Hattie does not seem to be too invested in), her mother reads books to her and engages daily with her through language. 2. Lippi-Green (1997) discovered that the racial stereotypes in these features serve a crucial role in teaching children about dichotomies, such as good and evil. Each baby comes from a different culture, which shows how the various customs of each culture can impact a child’s development. Introduction to Cultural Psychology persists even in the face of the most contrasting of environments. When Bayar gained more mobility, he was tethered to a pole in the tent by a long rope. Ponijao lives amid the straw huts of Namibia shaped by the cultures, caregiving practices, social interactions and physical environments The babies introduced in this film are Ponijao from Opuwo, Namibia, Mari from Tokyo, Japan, Bayar from Bayanchandmachi, Mongolia and Hattie from San Francisco, California. BABIES- the Movie, Video Response Questions. Visiting with four babies during the first two years of their lives, the documentary tracks their physical development, the blossoming of personality and the ways their cultures socialize them. The children are Ponijao, who lives with her family near Opuwo, Namibia; Bayarjargal, who resides with his family in Mongolia, near Bayanchandmani; Mari, who lives with her family in Tokyo, Japan; and Hattie, who resides with her family in the United States, in San Francisco. in common. Parents must involve and act positively related to academic achievement of their children (Xitao & Michael, 2001). Baby Mama is a film that presents something as serious as reproduction and the technologies involved in that, and make it hilarious and understandable to your average audience. A look at one year in the life of four babies from around the world, from Mongolia to Namibia to San Francisco to Tokyo. Show More. A study conducted by Queens University showed the relation between hyper-parenting styles and a lack of physical activity in children between 7 and 12 years old. Parents should be open with their kids and sit and listen to what the kids have to say, this will build trust between the kid and the parent. Nonetheless, all of them learned to walk in the end. BABIES Assignment Course: Sociology of Family (SOCI 040) Thomas Balmes’ documentary film represents few main differences in life-style, cross-cultural differences and similarities of four babies’ childhood from four different locations.