If she has already pooped during that part of the day and probably won't need to again until that afternoon or evening you can give her freedom after peeing even if she didn't poop then. Repeat this until she will consistently go in that spot whenever you take her potty and you know her bladder is full. Thank you in advance for your help. Strange right? After your puppy goes to the bathroom, lavishly praise them and offer a treat. It is best to have a routine for your puppy. Pick a spot - Choose a spot you find suitable for your dog to poop, then take a little scoop of dog poop and drop it at the designated poop spot. Pick a bathroom spot outside, and always take your puppy (on a leash) to that spot. We've had him for a month now. Use a spray that contains enzymes to remove the smell on the entire area that he has had poop and pee accidents at before. Nipping: The more accidents your puppy has in the house, the more confusing it will be for them and this can delay house training. If he goes, then praise him and give him the treats, take him for a short walk, and let him be free again inside like he usually is until the next time to go potty. Below is a link to a real grass pad. Is this just normal puppy training behaviour? If the area gets too soiled, your dog may look to relieve itself somewhere else. If the kennel run is too small she may not be moving around enough to get things going. We had her potty trained to one area. Hello Theresa, Dropping off some poop here and there lets other dogs know that this zone is “taken”. For more information, please read our privacy policy & disclaimer. Caitlin Crittenden, Hes pooping everywhere i dont know what to do. Hello Becky, Instead he lays and plays on the pad. Anyone with a side or back yard can create a sane, sanitary and convenient toilet area for the family dog. Your family can be firm with him but fair and gentle at the same time while your family teaches him - rather than yelling or being harsh. We have a big yard when we let her of the harness she will run around but as soon as she is on the leash she will just stop. Saying “Ouch!” The next time your puppy becomes too exuberant and nips you, say “OUCH!” in a very shocked tone and immediately stop playing with them. I suggest taking pup outside on a leash and playing with her and practicing commands and tricks she knows, or games like finding treats in the grass (as long as the grass hasn't been recently treated with anything toxic). The more accidents you can prevent through careful management, the sooner potty training actually happens. Caitlin Crittenden. The Dogs Love Routine Method may do the trick! My general guidelines as a pet owner myself would be watching to make sure: The difference between what you will do and what the article specifies is that since your goal is outside potty training, you won't phase out the exercise pen and continue the grass pad without it (ignore that part of the article). Once he is potty trained to use the box, then two things need to happen. Teaching your dog to Accidents are a normal part of house training a puppy. With your dog on a leash, walk him to the designated poop spot and let him sniff around. Check out the exercise pen method from the article linked below. He already knows to sleep in his crate at night, which is great. To pave the way for outside potty training, I would also recommend using a disposable real grass pad above using a pee pad or litter box. Before we talk about how to train a dog to pee in one place, it is important that you keep in mind some points: Veterinary examination: no matter if you have an adult dog or you have just adopted a puppy, it is very important that you do not allow your dog to urinate at home when it has a illness. Pup simply doesn't have much control over when they go at 4 weeks of age. Your puppy should learn - just as they did with their littermates - that their form of play has become unwanted. As you get to know your puppy, consider what reward your puppy loves the most. At the first sign that your pup has to go, calmly and quickly take them outside to their bathroom spot. Use a pet safe grass killer like BurnOut if necessary. Many puppies will have accidents on carpet, rugs, and other fabric type material once pee pads are removed, and since you want to remove them eventually, you will want to avoid that. Due to the discomfort of standing on gravel and the lack of a grass smell it can be harder to train but many people do successfully train dogs to do it in cities where grass is limited. When choosing a grass pad, use the real grass kind, not Astroturf if your goal is outside potty training ultimately. Is there anything wrong or harderabout training to go on gravel vs grass? Having them expel their energy in positive ways - including both physical and mental exercise - will help mitigate extra nips. Note: This is not a "poop thread"; it's a dog-training thread. be sure to have on hand a supply of special treats specifically for training If your One day though, he was unable to eliminate, and the following morning he vomitted rather violently. What is the next step for her to use the pad even if we are not there? The first thing you need to do is to understand and check for signs that show your dog is about to “go”. A proper understanding of this would make it easier for you to train your dog to “go” in specific areas of your choice. Depending on the age of your puppy, they will eat three to four times a day. Hello Tricia, This is the oldest dog that we have ever rescued though. Eating people food is the most likely cause if that happens often. this training, so you do not confuse your Step 4, Part A: Crate your dog when you leave He can't help it until his digestive system is better again. How To Train Dog To Pee In Designated Area to find out where to get the best deal on How To Train Dog To Pee In Designated Area. Can you block off access to behind the planter or under the chair as a temporary measure? In the end don't try to make it too small though. and immediately take them to their bathroom spot. She will have a day To two with no accidents in the house then today she pooped twice in the house. If he does not go, then take him inside and place him into a crate for thirty minutes. When? Exercise is huge. Our last massive that past away Would go in that spot. pooping spot. Check out the Crate Training method from the article linked below. house training for the first time, setting your expectations with a place for After the hour (or less if pup acts like they need to go potty), take pup back outside to the yard and repeat the same potty trip in the yard on leash. We have just rescued a 6 year old rotti who spent his whole life in a tiny run area where he pooped and peed. You have to treat the rest of the yard the way you would your house - no freedom in the house unsupervised unless you know pup doesn't have to go potty for sure. By keeping an eye on him when you are home by keeping him near you, and by either confining him somewhere safe and pleasant when no one can watch him (like the garage with a chew-proof bed and food stuffed toys to keep him busy) or by blocking off the areas that he is having potty accidents in. You want her to look forward to going outside, but you also want her to learn to associate it with pottying and not just play - so take her potty on a leash for potty trips so that you can keep her focused - using a long leash if needed right now. Thank you. If she won't go, walk again and then come back. Lol. Now, you know how to train your dog to poop in designated areas. If being alone is causing the anxiety, then try giving him toys that contain his dog food when he is alone, like hollow chew toys, Kong Wobble Toy, an automatic treat dispenser, or a puzzle toy that is durable enough that he won't eat it. Part of this is learned on her own and she is trying to figure out how to get into a good position with pooping, and it partially may resolve on its own as she grows. I suggest trying the Exercise Pen Method; give Zion toys and a cushy spot to rest while in his special area so that he does not feel punished. If you plan to transition pup to pottying outside later, I suggest grass pads instead of pee pads to avoid potential carpet confusion. After your dog enters the crate, praise them, give them the treat and close the door. Hi so we recently adopted our puppy from a friend and we need to train her to poop outside. Do you keep the pads in the same place all of the time? Thanks, Hello Jerry, Only decrease the box by a few inches at a time though or he may refuse to go potty in it - it needs to be a gradual decrease done several times overtime, with enough time in between each decrease for him to adjust to the new box and like it alright (if you need to get it a lot smaller). I also suggest placing the exercise pen in an area of your home that you can close off later when pup is older and ready to begin outside potty training - so that pup doesn't continue having accidents where the pad used to be once it is removed and outside potty training taught. Now that you have a clue as to why & how dogs decide where to take a “dump”, I can proceed to fill you in on how to train your dog to poop in designated areas. We don't want to pull forcefully. Caitlin Crittenden, Getting Deuce to potty in a certain area and not the driveway. First of all, if you live in a house with your own private backyard, then with your vet's permission you should still be able to take him outside to start potty training. Crate Training method: Honestly, you probably need to avoid letting pup hang out in the yard for a couple of months while taking pups on a walk to go potty. 1. Start this process when you have a couple of days where you will be at home, like the weekend. While there are moments of dedicated training time, every interaction with your dog can be used as a potential teaching moment. Each one is advertised to last two weeks. The grass pad is an excellent idea, to help her transfer to peeing outside when you are ready. Also, do not reward him with praise or treats when he poops in the wrong place, Keep the designated area clean – As your dog gets used to the new poop area, be sure to keep it clean. My mini maltese is 2 months old and i have had him for 3 days. You can tell he is miserable. Everyone involved in the dog’s training should understand where this is. We just adopted a husky/pomeraian/? Any suggestions to try to help her when she is comfined. Puppies often need to go outside to eliminate during the night and you'll want to be able to hear your puppy when they whine to be let outside. However, sometimes leaving a bit there for a day or two allows Tokyo to smell the scent and poop in the same place. Once she goes potty she can have more freedom until it's the time of day when she may need to poop again. It is important to give your puppy a reward for their good behavior. When you return home, don't reward your dog for excited behavior by responding to them in an enthusiastic way. Repeat this every five minutes three or four times. The key is to supervise him or confine him well enough that the accidents up stairs stop, then to take him to the area he is supposed to go on on leash to help him learn. Work on potty training by doing what I mentioned above, but your main focus should also be getting her over her fear of being outside and around you so that she can relax enough to potty there. Other cleaners do not remove it for the dog not to still smell and any remaining toileting smell will naturally encourage him to go potty there again. I know that seems annoying considering you have a yard but its the best way to teach her until she learns to go quickly on her own. I adopted a six year old dog. Hello Laura, Offer your pup a reward in the form of a treat and verbal praise. Real grass pad brands - also found on I do not have the option to continue using that spot- how can I get her to try somewhere else? This step may take a few minutes or as long as several days. you expect each time he needs to poop. You would need to walk him over to the area that you want him to go potty at, tell him "Go Potty", and if he goes potty there reward him with treats frequently. Where she has missed the pad will now have an odor so be sure to clean that spot with an enzymatic spray that will fully remove the smell. A consistent feeding routine can create a regular bathroom schedule. Try again every hour until he finally goes and you can reward. Caitlin Crittenden. Caitlin Crittenden. If the kennel run is concrete or something synthetic, you may need to place a piece of grass sod or a few real grass pads on top in there while first training. Next time, try leaving them in the crate for a shorter time period. Ask a vet though to see if their answer is different and go with their medical advice above my recommendations. Once she is consistently pooping outside when you take her, then you can go back to a less strict potty training method if you prefer, as long as she does not begin having accidents inside when you do so. If they do whine or cry in the crate, don’t let them out until they stop. Hello Renee, With many years of experience, he is here to share his tips and ideas. Caitlin Crittenden, Due to our illness /we are senior citizens ,our puppy was allowed to go in the backyard. Be firm, it will pay off with years of benefits and more freedom for pup as an adult. She wants to please, but does not understand. Once your puppy has gotten used to wearing a collar and leash you should start by practicing walking indoors. Also feed him ten to fifteen minutes before taking him, or play active, moving games with him in the backyard. Thank you Jacqueline, Hello Jacqueline, If your dog begins to play in that area, encourage him to go elsewhere to play, and if your dog has an accident in a zone that is not the designated poop spot, clean it up and take him to your designated area. This may mean pup doesn't go for a walk for a couple of days - try to stay consistent about pup having to go potty in the yard before starting a walk each time - then the walk will actually become something that motivates pup to go faster in the yard - so they can start the walk; instead of something pup holds their bladder until, waiting to go on one. Step 1: Introduce your dog to the crate Put a soft blanket or towel in the crate. When you take him, tell him to "Go Potty" and reward him with five small treats if he goes, to encourage him to go there regularly. You can train your dog to poop in one area of a grassy space, or you can teach your dog to poop specifically in rocks away from social spaces She loves walks and belly rubs. Best of luck training, You can also take her on a walk at other times and if she does not go potty, return home without letting her go in her designated spot and put her in a crate for thirty minutes or an hour (depending on how badly you think she needs to go), and then take her on a walk again, telling her to "Go Potty". When you are home, take him out every 2-3 at least though. I don't suggest teaching a pee pad though - since many dogs confuse those with carpet and rugs and you are already having that issue. Take your puppy outside frequently—at least every two hours—and immediately after they wake up, during and after playing, and after eating or drinking. I suggest taking him potty every 2.5- 3 hours when you are home. The space should be just big enough to comfortably stand, lie down and turn around. Supervise your puppy If you switch to pee pads, because they are made of fabric, you run the risk of her learning to also pee on carpets and rugs inside. Any tips on training multiple dogs in the household to eliminate on a designated area of the yard? Keep your puppy on leash in the yard. The grass pads will by far be the easiest transition for her, but another good option is to litter box train her and place a litter box on the balcony. Your dog could wag his tail or waist or maybe run in circles. Continue doing things outside with her that she loves too, like playing with water. Good for you. When pup doesn't go potty when you take him at 3 hours, return him to the crate calmly, wait an hour, then try again. Hello Amir, She has taken to a spot in bushes near my apartment that has been her regular spot for about a week. You can tether your puppy to your waist with a five or six-foot leash and carefully observe them for signs that they need to go to the bathroom. If he is having tummy issues, then he needs to be going every couple of hours until he is feeling better. If Very frustrated. Walking gets everything moving for them, so it shouldn't be long before she finally goes. Praise your dog briefly, give them a treat for entering the crate and then leave quietly. The poop may take a little longer but it is great that you catch him in the act occasionally and put him on the pads. If you continue letting him into your yard and also asking him to potty while on walks, he may get comfortable pottying on walks also, but he won't stop pooping in the yard as his preferred place until you stop that habit by limiting access to the yard while at the same time rewarding him for potty during the walk. Best of luck training, When we take her out she goes right to her pad to pee & poop. Once your dog is standing comfortably in the crate to eat their meal, you can close the door while they’re eating. Your best strategy is to simply go to the potty spot and wait. That article focuses on basic leash introductions, so that a dog learns to come toward you when they feel tension on the leash, instead of pull away. Check out the Surprise method from the article linked below for ways to introduce a crate gradually - pup likely won't be able to physically hold it well enough for true crate training for potty training yet at 4 weeks, but it will make outside potty training and crate training later easier, if you introduce the crate as a fun place right now. This past year whenever he is upset with us (e.g. Crazy. Your best bet is to spend a week taking her to the desired spot on leash. If trips are kept boring and you are giving them the opportunity to sleep past their normal wake up times the nights when they don't have to go, then as pup's bladder capacity increases, they should naturally begin to wake less at night to go out. Their sense of smell will lead them back to such spots for another round. Caitlin Crittenden. Hello, When he pees or poos somewhere new, give him four treats, one at a time. If you decide to go directly to training him to pee outside with your Vet's permission, then check out the article that I have linked below. hello, I would like to know what can I do for my pup to defecate in the grass, he is well trained to pee on the same spot of grass every time we take him but he cant just seem to be able to poop, he always poop when we are not present or during the night, we have never mistreated him or yelled at him, and we always rewarded him when he did something good. I assume the potty training is going well and you are looking to have Tokyo do his business in one spot in the yard. “If I’ve pooped here once, then I can poop here again”, says the dog. You want to show her that being outside in that yard is still safe as long as she avoids the flags. We keep it clean of poop but always leave one behind. Hello Cara, Tell her to "Go Potty" while you walk her. I also recommend keeping the grass pad inside of an "Exercise Pen", even if you are using the "Crate Training" method, so that he associates the pad with a designated toilet area, the exercise pen, and not being allowed to pee in the middle of a room on something. Where? Take him there as often as you did at your former place and give him the “poop command he's used to hearing. Whining: If your dog whines or cries while in the crate at night, it may be difficult to decide whether they’re whining to be let out of the crate, or whether they need to be let outside to eliminate. Do make sure that Tokyo gets outside often for walks and mental stimulation; if she gets used to peeing on the grass outside, she may learn to use a grass litter box that could be kept on the balcony (you could try the pee spray there, too.) If she likes to play tug or fetch, use that for your reward instead of food. Hello! 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