"Regular aerobic exercise gives an individual more endurance" is a sentence that shows cause and effect. The Benefits of Regular Physical Activity: ... You can build your cardiorespiratory endurance through aerobic exercise, which is a type of exercise that uses oxygen to meet energy demands. You can view more similar questions or ask a new question. Similar to any other muscle in the body, the strength of your heart and blood vessels improves as you … WorldlyGlass49 WorldlyGlass49 The cause is regular aerobic exercise, so the correct answer is C. The effect would be … Oct 11, 2011 . 5 Answers. If you have chronic back pain, cardiovascular exercise — … You know you're doing aerobic exercise when your heart's thumping and you're breathing faster than you do at rest but you can sustain the … Relevance . Cases of vigorous exercise incorporate strolling, running, swimming or cycling at a consistent pace. Which word indicates the cause? a. Remember to check with your doctor before starting a new exercise program, especially if you have any concerns about your fitness, haven't exercised for a long time, have chronic health problems, such as heart disease, … Regular B. Which word indicates the cause? Back pain. What’s more, engaging in regular exercise seems to be beneficial for the elderly, who tend to be affected by sleep disorders (41, 42, 43). Which word indicates the cause - 4029345 is a sentence that shows cause and effect.which word indicates the cause? Regular c. Exercise d. Individual See answer lpr4epatrenancatsma is waiting for your help. Regular aerobic exercise gives an individual more endurance"is a sentence that shows cause and effect. The goal of aerobic exercise is to increase cardiovascular endurance. So while there are discreet ‘zones’ … Endurance C. Exercise D. Individual . Examples of aerobic exercise include running, cycling, swimming, brisk … everest online. "Regular aerobic exercise gives an individual more endurance" is a sentence that shows cause and effect. Exercising plays an important role in overall fitness. Jogging, running, swimming, cycling, etc are some of the common aerobic exercises. Which word indicates the cause? These are the main nouns, so the simplified version would read "Exercise gives endurance." Regular aerobic exercise can keep older people's brain healthy and protect against Alzheimer's disease (AD), suggests a new study. Therefore, exercise has many physical benefits. "Regular aerobic exercise gives an individual more endurance" is a sentence that shows cause and effect. Endurance activity keeps your heart, lungs and circulatory system healthy and improves your overall fitness. Beyond the activities that are part of daily living, most adults need to participate in regular and various exercise programs. Exercise Prescription for Healthy Adults. Regular aerobic exercise gives an individual more endurance" is a sentence that shows cause and effect. "regular aerobic exercise gives individual more endurance"? Here are some smart options. Improved ability to process sugar in the diet b. EnduranceB. Exercise is the operative word in the sentence which is the cause of gaining aerobic endurance. This reduces their overall metabolic rate and … The other words are not an indication of the cause of aerobic endurance. An optimal training should address: Aerobic – cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) Muscular strength & endurance; Flexibility … Which word indicates the cause? 7. regular aerobic exercise gives an individual more endurance is a sentence that shows cause and effect.which word indicates the cause? Based on an individual’s fitness levels, the FITT-VP principle can be customized to match the individual’s needs. IndividualC.ExerciseD. Thus Regular aerobic exercise is the cause and when it gives an individual more endurance, that is the effect. Steve. Also called aerobic exercise, endurance exercise includes activities that increase your breathing and heart rate such as walking, jogging, swimming, biking and jumping rope. … 0 … 'Regular aerobic exercise gives an individual more endurance" is a sentence that shows a cause and effect. A consistent aerobic fitness plan can improve and maintain cardiovascular conditioning, which increases lung capacity and improves the efficiency with which your heart pumps blood throughout your body. Aerobic exercise is the type of moderate-intensity physical activity that you can sustain for more than just a few minutes with the objective of improving your cardiorespiratory fitness and your health. 1 decade ago. This improves overall health and is linked to … A. In fact, recommendations for kids are slightly higher than for adults. Which word indicates the cause?A. Endurance C. Exercise D. Individual Baina. Find an answer to your question "Regular aerobic exercise gives an individual more endurance" is a sentence that shows cause and effect. You can view more similar questions or ask a new question. exercise.. exercise is what is doing.. you can always figure this out by breaking it down into a simple fragment: exercise gives endurance. Endurance b. Both Greta and Fred were on the bus that arrived in Pittsburgh.Fred was glad to be home. In the early 1950s, researchers observed that drivers of London’s double-decker buses were more likely to suffer fatal heart attacks than the conductors. In contrast, regular exercise is associated with several health benefits. "Regular aerobic exercise gives an individual more endurance" is a sentence that shows cause and effect. Regular B. Oct 11, 2011 . The drivers were sedentary (sitting … Regular B. Regular aerobic exercise gives an individual more endurance" is a sentence that shows cause and effect. C. Exercise Note also that "exercise" is the simple subject of this sentence. Which word indicates the cause? Add your answer and earn points. Endurance C. Exercise D. Individual . As a result, people who get the recommended regular physical activity can reduce the risk of many diseases such … Cooper emphasizes on how to improve the cardiovascular system with his knowledge and study of aerobics. The functions and the benefits of regular aerobic exercise on the body are multi-systemic, meaning; they have a positive health effect on the many systems of our body. a. Physical exercises are generally grouped into three types, depending on the overall effect they have on the human body: Aerobic exercise is any physical activity that uses large muscle groups and causes the body to use more oxygen than it would while resting. EnduranceB. Lv 4. According to the video, what is the minimum recommended amount of exercise to reduce the risk of … regular aerobicise an individual more endurance tha show cause and effect jennifer. o What populations or groups were … Why or why not? A.exercise. A. Which of the following is NOT a health benefit associated with regular aerobic exercise? Asthma. o Has the concept of deinstitutionalization been effective in providing needed services to the mentally ill?